Monday, September 29, 2008

Turning 30!

It’s my last few days of being a twenty something year old and I thought it’d be appropriate to do a farewell post to my twenties. It’s so weird thinking about turning 30. I’m not freaked out about it and in a way I actually look forward to being 30, although it’s still a little weird. There is a part of me that feels like turning 30 means I am really not a kid anymore. Honestly I still feel young and maybe that’s the secret to never getting old, always feeling young. I have to wonder if that feeling will ever stop or if one day you just wake up and feel old? There are times it still seems surreal that I am a married Mamma with a degree and a real job. Where did the last ten years go? And more importantly, would I do any of them over again? I remember when I turned 20 thinking how I wished I could go back to high school, back to the days of no or little responsibility. Yet now that I’m turning thirty I really don’t wish to go back to any of the last ten years. Each year was such a learning experience. Maybe that means I have few regrets. In ten years I’ve graduated college, gotten married, bought a crappy trailer and then a real house, found a cool job and had the most remarkable child ever. There’s really no reason to go back since it seems like I did everything that I had hoped to do before I was thirty. For this I am so thankful. What a ride and I can’t wait to see what the next ten years will bring. Here’s to hoping my thirties are as fulfilled and fantastic as my twenties! I post with optimism now, however, if in five years I’m bitching about grey hair and achy joints feel free to refer me to my 30th birthday post for perspective!

Just a quick update – I finally got a stove ordered – yeah, and I finally have a working garage that I can park my car in!

Also, working on getting a new camera so hopefully I'll get some pictures up soon.


Rosanne said...

Thanks for all the "warnings" that your b-day is coming up...maybe I'll get it right this year! haha.

I like your post...I'll be there in a few months - weird!

Yes...enjoy your thirties! And I'm with ya...if we just FEEL that we're young, then we ARE! :)

Anonymous said...

It makes me feel old that you're turning 30, for the record! Our nephew turned 30 a couple days ago, and, you know, with the Great Aunt status, I might have to get myself a walker... heh, heh.

But, that said, the years after 30 have been darn fun around here.

Happy days leading up to the big one... Are you having a party? ;)

Shawna said...

Thirty isn't so bad... okay I've only been 30 since Sunday but so far so good! I hope you have an awesome birthday and Jeff treats you to a wonderful, possibly home baked cake... maybe with black icing and 30 candles :)