Monday, September 22, 2008

The Kline’s had a very busy but fun weekend. Friday night we drove over to Seeley Lake and stayed the night at our friend Josh’s house. In the morning Avery got to see her first deer which was pretty cool. We saw a three point whitetail and a yearling both were like ten feet from the kitchen window.
Then we all drove to Missoula for the Griz’s homecoming game. Jeff went to the tailgates with Josh and I met up with my Mom and sister in law Dawn for a little pre-game shopping and Cold Stone Creamery fix. I found Avery a really cute toy box at TJ Max for a good price. We all met up at the game along with my bro Jess and dad. I think Avery enjoyed the game. She liked to clap her hands and look at the people. We only stayed until half time since the game didn’t start until 1 pm and that’s right about Avery’s usual nap time, plus is was really warm. So at the half Jeff, Avery and I took off to grab Staggering Ox and head out of town.

When we got back to Butte, Grandma Lori and Grandpa Dave swung over and ended up spending the night. Avery was in prime form that night. Jeff put on some music and I think the kid danced for an hour straight. She’s really good at wiggling her hips and shoulders, it’s hilarious. On Sunday she was a little whiney so we took her outside where she danced and sung for like 20 minutes. I’m sure the neighbors were wondering why the small one was singing at the top of her lungs at like eight in the morning but hey whatever keeps her happy! Come to find out the older girls at daycare like to dance and sing to Hannah Montana outside and I’m guessing Avery thinks this is a lot of fun. Later in the day, our friend George drove over to help Jeff with some finishing touches on the garage – which is almost functional! Now I’m sitting here on Monday morning wondering where the weekend went and not feeling rested at all! Next weekend the plan is to stay a little closer to home and maybe relax a little

1 comment:

Kari said...

Avery was a trooper at the game. I thought she might be afraid of all the noise, cannons etc. Didn't seem to bother her at all.
What a sweetie!