Thursday, September 25, 2008


Seriously it is not easy to get things done in Butte. There’s just no sense of customer service in this town and it drives me crazy. Our latest venture into the annoyance that is Butte has come from attempting to purchase a wood insert with a blower for our fireplace. Apparently if we actually wanted a wood stove with a blower installed before next year we should have looked into getting one last January instead of at the end of August – who’d of thunk. So we went about three weeks ago to one of two wood stove insert retailers in this town and were told at the time that they needed to come and measure our fireplace before they could order a stove. They couldn’t measure the fireplace until three weeks later which happened to be on Monday. The dorks came, measured and left and the next day we got a quote in the mail with some random stove model on it. Come to find out it was a stove they had in stock that will heat a home 600 – 1200 square feet. I called the stove place and asked the lady WTF – but a little nicer than that and she said that they must of put that stove on there since it was one they had in stock. I went on to explain to the lady that our homes more like 2600 square feet and that stove just wouldn’t cut it so would it be possible to get the quote with another stove. She then proceeded to go into a long explanation about how some stoves aren’t coming in until next summer and that one brand could take a couple of weeks but she wasn’t sure. OK don’t you guys do this for a living and shouldn’t you know when you can get a damn stove in and if you don’t know make a phone call. So after the long drawn out explanation which I’m guessing was meant to discourage my further questioning on the problem, I said to the lady, “can you find out if we can get one of these stoves?” I had given her two stoves from two different manufacturers to check into. She than said she’d have to talk to the guy (I guess the guy that did our proposal) to see if the stoves would fit, even though Jeff took his own measurement so we knew they would, and that she might not be able to talk to him until tomorrow morning. This was yesterday at like nine a.m. So here I sit, no phone call from the stove place, no idea if we can even get a damn stove and I’m so ticked off that I’m beginning to wonder if it would be worth it to drive to Bozeman to see if a company there could help us out. And people wonder why Butte can’t keep business local it's like we're trying to get a diamond encrusted gold plated custom build stove from Venus!

1 comment:

Rosanne said...

You poor thing - that is SO frustrating. I hope you find a solution...more importantly a stove. :) Hang in there...but meanwhile, give 'em hell! :)