Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kaput Camera!

It’s official, my camera is dead. The other weekend while fishing I dropped it in a creek and it didn’t recover. The bummer is that I had pictures of Stephanie’s wedding shower on it, but I’m hoping that this weekend I can dink around with the memory card and see if I can’t get those pics off of it. So until I buy a new camera I’m resorting to picture phone pictures. There hasn’t been a whole lot going on at the Kline household the last couple of weeks. Jeff’s been busy with school and work and I’ve been busy with work and Avery. But for lack of anything better to post here’s a cute pic of Avery I took this morning (with my phone). She didn’t want to sit still to let me take a picture since she was playing with her matchbox car – thus the look on her face.

1 comment:

Shawna said...

Oh she has on the red shoes! I think the Sony Cybershot cameras are supposed to take good pics, at least what I have seen them take has been awesome. But Canon and Olympus are some of the best. Happy shopping!