Tuesday, September 16, 2008

31.5 inches and she's the boss!

What’s the deal with toddlers throwing tantrums at the most inopportune times like say at the grocery store. Attitude abounds in my small one and she’s very vocal about what she does and does not want to do. Lately she does not want to sit in carts at grocery stores. I blame her Dad for this since he was the one who first allowed the small one to “help” push the cart at Walmart when she got annoyed at sitting in it. Usually I try my best to run to the store on my lunch hour or right before I pick her up, however, yesterday I didn’t have time so I had to bring the munchkin with me. The little stinker threw a full blown tantrum when I tried to put her in the cart. We’re talking arched back and screaming. Since this was the first full blown tantrum I think I was in shock for a couple of minutes trying to decide what to do. So I finally said screw it and let her help me push and she still wined the entire time. A nice lady with an older child, who witnessed the whole thing and obviously felt for me, looked at Avery and said, “Why are you still crying, you won?” Summed it up pretty great I thought. Don’t ya just love it when they do this to you in public and make you feel like the world’s worst parent? When it was all said and done I managed to get about ½ of what was on my list and it took me about twice as long to get it. While I love Avery’s independence (I call it spiciness) it would be nice if she didn’t choose to make a stand in the middle of a crowded grocery store. I hate the fact that I caved but the question is, “Is there a way to get the kid to do what you want without getting child services called on you?” If any of you have pearls of wisdom, please share.


Shawna said...

Ok, here is my trick with Ryley and it usually only works at the commisary cause their carts are set up better than say the ones at Albertson's, etc...I put him in one of those 'kiddie friendly' carts with the built in steering wheels and he is completely entertained. If those aren't available and since he is my daredevil, I try to sit him in the big basket. Notice I say 'try to sit' it doesn't always work and he thinks he needs to get a leg up over the side and get out. Thus the reason I found a WHITE hair in my bangs the other day. Love you Avery!

Anonymous said...

dearest lacy-
i know just what to do....let the shopping strangers call social services, and then when they show up at your door ask the "experts on family/social issues" how to handle the situation, i am sure they all know how to deal with it!(since it seems most of their workers got the job by being repeat clients)any time avery seems like she is misbehaving, just think of lucas....he is sooooo much worse:)

Kari said...

Look at it this way Lacy.
She is independent, sure of herself, and spicy because she is well loved.