Thursday, July 31, 2008

Late weekend post.

It took me awhile to get this post out, but better late than never right! Here are a few pics from last weekend. It was our first weekend home with Jeff in ten weeks so that was pretty great in itself. We spent a lot of time outside swimming and hanging in the yard. Avery loves her little pool but she also liked to swim with Mom and Dad in the big one.

After all that swimming we got hungry and decided to make a blueberry pie. Avery was very interested in what I was doing and wanted to help out. So I stuck her apron on her and let her go to town. She really liked rolling the dough but I think she liked tasting the blue berries the best.

After the pie making we played so big.
I didn't get a picture of the pie but it was really good! What a helpful little baker.


Kari said...

Great pictures Lacy.

Rosanne said...

Her apron is so cute!! Glad you had a nice family fun weekend. :)