Friday, July 25, 2008


I was tagged by Jill Hunt (aka Karnop) so I figured why not. The rules, answer the questions in one word (I'm guessing this is harder than it seems).

1. Where is your cell phone? desk

2. Your significant other? Jeff

3. Your hair? curley
4. Your mother? wonderful

5. Your father? awesome
6. Your favorite thing? Avery (Jeff's a close second)
7. Your dream last night? deadsleep (so none)

8 Your favorite drink? iced tea
9. Your dream/goal? siding (for my house)

10. The room you’re in? office

11. Your hobby? baking

12. Your fear? loneliness

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Montana

14. What you’re not? observant

15. Muffins? poppyseed

16. One of your wish list items? siding (for my house)

17. Where you grew up? Montana

18. The last thing you did? checks

19. What are you wearing? Harley-Davidson

20. Favorite gadget? air-conditioner

21. Your pets? cats

22. Your computer? MAC

23. Your mood? content

24. Missing someone? always ( mi familia)

25. Your car? Subaru

26. Something you’re not wearing? earrings
27. Favorite store? American Eagle
28. Like someone? what the hell does this question mean?
29. Your favorite color? red

30. When is the last time you laughed? this morning

31. Last time you cried? last Friday


Anonymous said...

I could have said baking is my hobby too... I am trying to perfect banana bread because C keeps bringing past their prime bananas for me to make banana bread for his office. I had it perfected in other ovens, but our oven here is so bad, it discourages me! I don't think it heats evenly at all. So, when I am at my mom's, I always feel like a much better cook ;)

Rosanne said...

So you don't want siding for your house, do you? hehehe!