Thursday, July 3, 2008

End of June update

Man the month of June totally got away from me and I can't believe it's already July. Maybe it's because being a single Mom for the past month has sucked the life out of me or it could be the fact that having no camera sucked the life out of my blog posting, whatever the reason I didn't get as many posts in in June as I'd have liked. So here's a little update on what's new with the Klines.

Jeff comes home in 8 days! I'm so excited, I won't have to take care of the yard anymore!!

We visited Jeff in Elko last weekend and had a great time, however, Elko is a crap hole that I never want to visit again. Guess that made the decision that Jeff will not be taking a job with Barrick in Elko. Avery was super excited to see her Daddy and gave him a bunch of kisses. She also kept saying Daddy for a few days after we got back. Poor kid she needs her Daddy. I lost like $100 gambling but it kept me going for three days so really I'm happy with the outcome. Wish I could have hit that $32k jackpot I was shooting for but hey maybe next time. (next time I go to Vegas that is because as stated before, I will not be returning to Elko.) Avery did great in the car but on theeight hour journey the little shit only slept for one hour. What's up with that? I thought kids were supposed to sleep in the car. She was doing everything in her power to stay awake. She serenaded us for like 20 minutes, if she started to fall asleep she'd scream. She even threw stuff at her Grandma when Grammy fell asleep. All and all though she was really good and only had a couple minor meltdowns which were my fault because she needed her diaper changed.

Avery ate corn on the cob for the first time last night. I gave her 1/2 a cob since she kept trying to get mine and wouldn't eat the pieces I had scraped off the cob for her. To my amazement she actually ate all the corn off the cob. Did I mention my child is a genius.

I have my camera back, however, my internet is not working right now so still no new pics. I'm leaving the internet issue for Jeff to deal with when he gets home. I'll try to get a phone pic posted sometime.

We're off to Great Falls this afternoon for the fourth. I'm glad to be spending it with my family although it's a little bittersweet since this is the first holiday in 9 years that Jeff and I are spending apart. Also hopefully the last to be spent apart!


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