Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pig Tails and Averyisms

The small one doesn't let me do her hair very often so when she said she'd sit still for me I jumped at the chance to put her in pig tails. Pretty cute I thought.We were watching a Norwegian kid video that Elisabeth had lent us in hopes we might pick up a little Norwegian from them. There is one show that is a bunch of real life pirates. We watched a video of them singing a song. I thought it was pretty odd but then again most kid's shows are. At the end Avery turned to me and said, "well that was strange." I laughed for a while over that one!

She has taken to call me sweetheart and Mamma to get her way. Will you take me potty sweetheart. How can you refuse that.

The other day we were talking to her and told her she is very smart. She replied, "I'm peanut pelligence." It took us awhile to figure out she meant very intelligent.

Has slept for two weeks in her bed without a pullup and with no accidents - how fantastic is that!

She knows has to purchase apps from the ipod store. So far she's wracked up around $20 in charges. I keep thinking I've figured out how to block her from buying things and then she buys another one. My favorite was NFL 2011 and fruit finder (to help you buy ripe fruit at the market).

Understands that if she doesn't understand a show on TV it is in Norwegian and tells us, " that a Norwegian."

When I get mad at her and threaten a time out, many times she comes up to me, rubs my face with her hands and says, "sweetheart it's alright."


The Lucero's said...

Aweeee...I love the Pigtails!! She is so darn cute, Jess told me about the buying of the Apps...thats hilarious!! Yay for the no pull ups at night time...Just think of how much money will be saved...!!

Kari said...

The little sweetie!
She looks like Pippi Longstocking.ha ha