Thursday, February 25, 2010

The small one

Yesterday I worked out to Jillian Michael's 30 minute shred. Ave wanted a sports bra like mine so I rigged this up.
Daddy on the left, Mommy on the right and Avery in the middle. So flippin cute!
Crazy face. She likes me to take pictures of her so she can look at them.

Newest things,

Calling me sir - well come here sir.

Saying, "well goodbye Mom" then leaving the room.

Painting and drawing constantly, her own skin is her favorite canvas.

Asking, "who made this for me" about anything she owns. I think she means who gave this to me.

Saying, "Mommy you the best ever" and "I love you too much."

Just told me, "we don't drink out of the toilet." Glad she figured that one out.

Running around with her guitar singing at the top of her lungs, "you get the other means, you get the other means and the best of both worlds" Don't ask me where the first song came from.

When I tell her not to do something her favorite reply is "Mommy I'm alright with it."


jill said...

I love this Lacy! Her family picture is precious ;) Kid art makes me very happy.

Now, on to the potato stamp shamrocks, right? tee hee. I suppose St. Patrick isn't celebrated in Ireland, is he?

Shawna said...

LOL! Well you know at military dining in's, I have seen them drink from a toilet, but that's the military. I love her picture!

And how about Jillian Michael's? Does she not totally kick your a**? I wanna reach into the tv and choke her after every workout!!

Rosanne said...

I love the updates on Avery. She sounds like a hoot these days! Enjoy them! ;)

Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...
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Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...

She is tooo funny! I love her bossy attitude!