Sunday, February 14, 2010

Our Place

The apartment is surprisingly bigger than I expected. It's very bright and our stuff fits perfect. I'm kicking myself for not sending a table. I really didn't want anything to happen to our table since it's my favorite piece of furniture, so right now it's stored in my Grandma's basement back in the states. We don't have a car yet so I'm not sure when we'll be getting one but we're currently making do with TV trays. Here are a few pics of where we live.Playing in the snow. We got about 2.5 feet over the last week. This playground is right outside our building.
View from our front window.

Ave's bedroom or as she says bedjoom.
Mom and Ave in the entry. Mom flew over with us and stayed for four days, thanks Mom couldn't have done it without you!

Where a table should be, but a really good place for the kid to ride her cozy coup and bike!

Our bedroom. (don't mind the mess it's cleaned up now!)
Separate shower area and bathroom or wash room.


Unknown said...

The place looks great! Love that the park is right outside the door! You all look great and I'm so glad to hear all is well! Not only is Avery a trooper but you all are!! So great to hear from you and can't wait to hear and see more! Love ya Jill

The Lucero's said...

The apartment looks good. I wish we were there with you guys. It looks like a fun place. Love and miss you guys...

Shawna said...

Your new home is so cozy and comfortable looking, and it does look like it is a fairly good size! I'm glad you are all adjusting, I'm very glad the three of you are all together again, I know that was tough on all of you! Thanks for the pics and updates, it makes you all seem closer! We miss you, Ryley 'calls' Ave alot on his play phone! Love you guys!