Tuesday, February 16, 2010


When I first walked into a grocery store in Norway I experienced my first meeting with culture shock. It was so odd trying to decifer the Norwegian words and buying things based on what we thought was in the box by looking at the picture or guessing. Luckily I have quickly figured out what the staples are and feel a little more confident each time I go into a store. We are making trips to the grocery store a few times a week. This is because things are smaller over here. A person can't buy anything close to a gallon of milk. Thus most of our trips are to get milk. Here are a few pictures of food we have purchased. Frozen pizza. This does not have sausage on it it has meatballs or kjottboller.
These are the largest sized for juice and milk. Then first milk is 1.5% milk fat and that's what Ave is drinking. On the end is skim milk and this is the largest size we can find. I found it funny that eple juice is apple juice and applesin is orange juice (thank goodness for the pics on the cartoons). Oh and everything is in paper cartoons, no plastic at all.
A pic of the sandwich bread. You can get this cut in the stores but we're hoping it'll last longer if we cut it ourselves. I find the bread dense and dry thus I am going to start making my own.
Chips come in like three flavors; paprika (kind of like barbque), sea salt and vinegar, and onion.
Soup usually comes like this, no campballs cans here. If you want to buy a can of Campball's soup is cost about $5.
Cereal, they actually have some American brands.
My new favorite thing. I'm guessing it's like Nutella which oddly enough I never ate in the States. I've been eating this stuff by the spoonful, it's yummy chocolaty goodness.


Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...

how confusing! No wonder America is so overweight!

Shawna said...

Oh I am so feeling for you Lacy! I took the computer to Grandma's so she could see your pics and we were both laughing at some of your descriptions. But think of it this way, you are going to be so svelte when you come back for a visit and make us all look bad! Your first taco back in MT is on me!