Sunday, February 14, 2010

Airplane Ride

We made it to Norway! After 21 hours of travel we finally touched down in Trondheim. Ave was a trooper. She only slept two hours the entire trip, which meant I didn't sleep at all. However with a couple of exceptions she was a wonderful traveler. The flight over the ocean lasted almost 9 hours and each of us had our own TV. I watched 4 Christmases and the Time Travelers Wife. Ave watched cartoons. That really made the time go by. When we got to Trondheim one of my bags didn't make it. We had to wait in line to find out why. At this point Ave was so exhausted she laid facedown on the floor at the airport and wouldn't move. Luckily the bag had just gotten placed on the later flight and they delivered it to me a couple of days later. All in all it was a smooth flight and not even close to as bad as I thought it was going to be.

Watching cartoons on the I pod.
Playing with her $1 Walmart animals.

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