Sunday, May 31, 2009

Museum of the Rockies and more Camping pics.

We took Avery and drove over with Teresa, Jeff and Lucas to check out the Museum of the Rockies and we weren't disappointing. My parents used to take us there as kids and I remember loving it. It was just as cool to see again as an adult. Avery and Lucas LOVED the dinosaurs and Avery's been roaring like one ever since.
For those of you who have never been to the Museum of the Rockies, I highly recommend it. Not only do they have fantastic dinosaur exhibits that include actual fossils found throughout the state, they have lots of other interesting exhibits such as a Native American display and lots of antiques. There is a great play areas for the kids and the Planetarium is awesome. Avery thought the planets were eggs and started singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star when the stars showed up. I'm sure the other patrons just loved our yappy two year old. I ended up leaving about ten minutes before the show was over when Avery decided she wanted to run around in the dark. Ave and I hung out at the gift shop while the rest of the crew finished the show. She found some pretty cool dino toys for her and Lucas. Here are some pics from our day with one more random camping picture that was too cute to leave out. I might post more, our internet was being sketchy yesterday and I got annoyed downloading pics so I stopped before I was done. Make sure to check back as I'll try for more pics soon.

The kids in a replica of a Lewis and Clark canoe.
Avery climbing on the stage that I'm assuming they perform shows on in the summer.
These are the dinosaurs we got the kids. They were roaring all day.
The crew outside the museum.

On tot of "Lewis and Clark's" boat.
Cute random camping picture of Avery.

1 comment:

Shawna said...

What an awesome trip! I have never been to the M of the R, I should take a sidetrip there, I know Ryley would love the dinosaurs! Can't wait to get out and get some camping time in with you guys!