Monday, June 1, 2009

My Boss's Kids Make for a Long Summer

You know it's summer at my job when the boss's kids start blaring the TV. I hate my bosses kids. Ok hate might be a strong word but I cringe whenever I see them in the store.

For those of you who have not seen my office it sits directly next to the owners office with a glass door as a divider. The owners office has a wide screen TV complete with digital cable that can be seen through the glass door from my desk. As you all know glass is not the best material for sound proofing. So for the past two summers I have sat in my office, trying to do my work while listening to a TV blaring or even better kids fighting. When I'm bored it's really hard to not watch whatever movie the kids are watching and some day I say screw it, if I can't concentrate on my work I might as well watch "Goonies" for the sixth time.

The owner has three kids, two boys and a girl. Generally they are sweet kids but the owner has led them to believe that everything in the store is thiers including; all office supplies, my desk and his office. I'm pretty sure the store goes through hundreds of dollars in office supplies due to the little runts "borrowing" things and forgetting to bring them back. We're all pretty sure there's a huge stash of office supplies somewhere in this building that is yet to be discovered.

So right now I'm listening to classic rock videos on VH1, trying to not get totally annoyed and fighting the urge to say screw it and just watch the vidoes (80s videos are pretty funny!) It gets really interesting when a customer comes in to finance a bike while 80s music BLARES in the background.

I'm praying that the kids have daycare or day camp or something this summer because if they don't it's going to be a long summer and I really don't feel like labeling all of my offices supplies... again.


Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...

That is great! I wish the there were old school videos to watch at my office! The surrounding offices here are currently talking about home inspection results, mullets and their sons lion tattoos.. so so boring..

Rosanne said...

You are funny! Good luck with all of that. :)