Monday, May 4, 2009

Defending a Thesis

Since this is my first rodeo when it comes to living so closely to a person writing a masters thesis and getting ready to defend it I thought I’d give you all a little insight into what exactly is going on inside our house these days.

  1. Writing a thesis is basically like writing a short book. You have to know a lot about what you are writing on and you have to be able to defend what you are writing to any critics out there. Jeff has gathered over 100 articles to support his writing and is hoping to turn in a thesis of around 80 pages. The research gathering alone took a couple of months.
  2. Writing a thesis takes time, a lot of time. Most people have one to two years to really research and write. My lovely hubby, due to scheduling conflicts with the next chapter of our lives, Norway, only really had six months to complete his. Basically this means I never get to see my husband who is frantically trying to get all the pieces together.
  3. Every thesis must come to an end. Jeff turns his paper in on May 18th to four committee members who will then critique his work and offer suggestions and insight on what he’s doing. He will need to fix anything they deem “wrong” with his masterpiece.
  4. After the committee members have taken the two allotted weeks to look over the thesis, it comes time to defend that bad boy. Defending a thesis is a little bit of a mystery to me as I have never seen one or done one. From what I’m told, the poor thesis writer is stood up in front of his committee and I believe any other faculty members that show and is grilled within an inch of his life over every aspect of the paper. The grille (hubby) has to answer all questions to the grillers satisfaction hoping that the months of research have adequately prepared him to answer all questions.
  5. Once all the above is done and hubby is given the committees approval, hubby will have his masters degree – hooray!
  6. Food and drinking lots of drinking follows!
  7. I finally will have my hubby back, I’ve almost forgot what he looks like - Score for me.

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