Monday, January 5, 2009


I just got back to work after five glorious days of laziness that I’ll admit I needed. Jeff and I ushered in the New Year by ourselves with appetizers and wine and then proceeded to do basically nothing for the next few days. It was heaven; let me tell you I needed the break. Right after the holidays I think everyone gets a sense of being let down. All the hubbub of getting ready for Christmas and then just like that, it’s over. We really need to come up with a cool holiday in like early February to transition us out of Christmas and into the bleak winter months. Our house was undecorated and cleaned on Saturday. Avery asked a couple of times where the “tree go.” She loved all of her Christmas loot and we spent lots of time laying with her in the new princess tent and watching her new movies, especially Dora. On a side note, I’m actually starting to dislike Dora. Don’t get me wrong it’s a fairly educational show yet when your child wants to watch it over and over again and the songs start going through your head when you’re sitting at work, you’ve had too much Dora.

We had a great Christmas and it was so fun that Avery actually got into it this year. She really liked talking about Santa and even thinks that the picture in her room of the Seven Dwarfs is a picture of Seven Santa’s. When I look back at how little she was last year I have to laugh. It’s amazing how much she’s grown in one year and how every day I see hints of the little girl she’s becoming and miss the little baby that keeps getting further and further away. I guess that’s the bittersweet part of welcoming in a New Year, saying goodbye to the old one. Usually Jeff and I don’t do resolutions since we pretty much never stick with them and this year is really no exception, however, we have decided that we both need to get our butts up and exercise more so I guess that’s a resolution. Where oh were will 2009 take the Kline family. I guess you’ll just need to keep checking the blog to find out! Have a wonderful New Year everyone. Here's a little comparison picture 2007 versus 2008.


Kari said...

Avery has grown so much this last
year. She is so smart and determined, and so funny.

New Years Eve is always bittersweet to me. Leaving behind a year that had such great times and sad times and wondering what 2009 has in store for all of us

So Happy New Year to all and may 2009 bring us all many blessings.

Anonymous said...

I was looking back at my January blogs for L's life today (with her, actually). And, I am amazed at how much she's changed.

But, I like my blog because I remember some little things I never would otherwise. My brain is terrible... And, we're in for a year of changes... moving for sure, to Grand Forks. Have you noted how cold it is there? eeeee.

Other stuff too... It will be a different world next January.

Break Dora up, or she'll drive you insane... Strawberry Shortcake is okay, the Little Einstiens (if you can sell it) is less annoying, and it can be DVR-ed off PBS.

Happy New Year!