Monday, January 19, 2009

Late post

Here's a late posting of pictures. In December we had our friends the Reagor's stay with us for a night with thier two boys, Marcus and Marshall. They all used to live down the street from us until they moved on to bigger and better things. We sure do miss our neighbors but understand why they wanted to get out of Butte. Marcus is the one in the blue jammies and he's only eight months older than Avery. We're pretty sure he's going to be a football player. His older brother Marshall is in the green and he's just a riot. The kids had a great time playing together and these are a couple of pics that Sara shot and I stole off her website.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sooo Cute! Looks like the kids had a good time with each other! Thanks for popping by today! : )