Friday, January 30, 2009

The Rocker

I highly recommend this movie. Jeff and I watched it last night and there were parts where I was laughing so hard I was crying. It actually has a really cute story and is only PG 13 so there aren’t a lot of the gross out gags or bad language that most of the new comedies have. Not that I mind those, but it was kind of nice to watch something different. If you like Rainn Wilson from the Office you will for sure love this movie but even if you aren’t an Office fan chances are you will still like this flick. Just a quick synapse, Rainn Wilson is a drummer named Fish, who got pushed out of a rock band in the 80s, and you all know how totally awesome rock stars in the 80s dressed. After they fire him the band goes on to great success. It’s 20 years later and Fish is working in a lame job that he gets fired from. He moves in with his sister and finds out that his nephew is in a band, named ADD, and has been asked to play at their senior prom. When their drummer gets grounded they beg Fish to play with them. The story goes from there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am going to try to see it this weekend. I haven't seen a movie in AGES!