Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas in Great Falls

We had a great Christmas back in Great Falls.  We celebrated Wed with my family, Thurs with Jeff's Mom's family and Friday with Jeff's Dad's family.  Avery got spoiled as always and Jeff and I also made out pretty well.  It was great seeing everyone, we ate too much, drank too much and didn't get enough sleep and we loved every minute of it.  
Avery playing with Great Grandma.
Avery's new cozy coup!  She sits in it all the time.
Opening up stockings.
Avery loved to "open" presents.
Another cozy coup picture.

Dinner at Grandpa and Grandma Klines.  

Taking a bath with cousin Ryley on Christmas.
More presents.
Playing with Grandpa in her new tent.  She made each of us get in it.  She's not nice about it either, she'll come out, grab your hand, drag you to the tent and yell, "get in!"  I've spent a lot of time in the tent since we got home.
My brother Brady and his girlfriend Kristy's new puppy, "Coco."
Avery's new backpack and slippers that she got to open up before we left.
making cookies the weekend before Christmas.

It was so great to see everyone, we have such a wonderful family.  

1 comment:

Kari said...

It was so wonderful to have our whole family together for Christmas Eve.
Avery was so funny. She just got in that Cozy Coupe and acted like she had been driving her whole life.