Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

Avery was a dragon this year for Halloween.  We trick or treated to a couple of neighbors and went to the dorms (breifly) they give out tons of candy up there but it was a little crazy with tons of kids running around.  She loved the candy, ah a girl after my own heart.  Here are a few pics.  

At one point she decided she wanted to walk around in Mommy's shoes.

Check out her new black boots.  I got them half off at payless, I couldn't resist.  

This was towards the end of the night and she was getting a little cranky.
The back of the dragon.
Another picture of the crankster.
Lucas showed up and she was poking him with a stirring spoon for some reason.  
The only picture we got of her actually wearing the hood of her costume.  Having the hood up ticked her off the rest of the time.  Thankfully Mom was fast with the camera.  She was really liking poking people with the spoon?  


Anonymous said...

I am sooooooo glad you got a picture with her hood up! She is soooo stinking cute! :)

Shawna said...

What an adorable dragon! I hope she gots lots of candy!

Rosanne said...

She's adorable - cranky and all! I love how she's into poking people...that's just funny!