Thursday, November 13, 2008

Quirk tag

I was tagged by Rosanne to list 6 quirks about myself and tag 6 people.

1. I can’t stand to have my bedding messed up at night. I can’t go to sleep unless everything is perfect. If Jeff rolls the sheet up during the night (which he does a lot) I freak out.

2. When Jeff’s not home I like to belt out songs in my house. The ten foot ceilings make for great acoustics.

3. I hate mushrooms and can’t stand the smell of them cooking. It literally makes me want to throw up. We have a no mushroom household.

4. It irritates the heck out of me when I’m watching a TV show and the family on the show is eating dinner and they only eat like one bite and then everyone leaves. Hello, it’s dinner at least make the plates look like they’ve almost finished it. (this might have something to do with my obsession with food).

5. I start Christmas shopping and budgeting in July or August. No last minute shopping for this girl. Plus I love the freedom to spend money shopping and not feel guilty because they're Christmas presents. Did I mention I love online shopping!

6. I cut my own hair. I go to a beautician about once a year or so for a good base cut and then I cut it myself (with a little help from Jeff) for the rest of the year. I used to have this awesome beautician in Great Falls that I’d go to but she got so popular that it became impossible to get into her and now she doesn’t work on Sat. I think I’ve been afraid to go try a new person since I can’t stand to think about shelling out $40 for a crappy haircut. It seems easier to just cut it myself plus with curly hair you can’t really screw it up. I also cut Jeff’s hair but that’s mostly because he’s too lazy to go to a professional.

Ok so I’m a little weird but who isn’t?!

I tag Shawn and Mandy!

1 comment:

Rosanne said...

You are so funny!!!

AMEN to the mushroom thing. :)