Thursday, March 13, 2008


Avery's starting to talk, a little. She's been saying Mama and Dada now for awhile and every once in awhile she'll mimic a word we say and then quickly forget it. So for weeks now Jeff and I have been wondering what her next word might be. Maybe kitty or hi or more, you know one of those cute words that we say to her all the time. That would have been nice, however, Avery had her own plans for her next word and a couple of weeks ago she started saying it non-stop. The new word is don't and she says it......... a lot. I'm guessing she got it from Mom and Dad saying, "Avery don't do that." The other day I caught her over by one of the plug ins hitting it and yelling "don't". I'm guessing this is because whenever she gets near a chord that's plugged in we tell her no or say don't touch that. She also likes to point at our cat Miles and say don't. Miles gets in trouble a lot and we tell him don't, "Miles don't get on the counter." Avery says don't in a very stern voice that tends to be loud. The fact that she puts so much emphasis on the word and likes to make the point by patting her hand up and down when she says it makes it even funnier. It would almost be cute if she didn't say it so much. Avery's definitely a pistol. I have a feeling Jeff and I have our work cut out for us. I'm really hoping that in the next week or two another new word will arise, a nice new word like kitty or yes. That way we can put the whole don't phase behind us and move on to a nicer phase. My luck her next word will be stop it or one of the four letter variety. I'll keep you posted.


Rosanne said...

Oh new words are so fun! Yeah, be careful what you say....the repeat EVERYTHING that comes out of your mouth. :)

Shawna said...

Ryley says 'Hi' and 'dog' in addition to Ma and Dada. What I find so hilarious is when I tell him no and shake my finger at him, he shakes his finger back at me. He is still kinda the strong, silent type.

Kari said...

I love her capris.