Sunday, March 30, 2008

Ryley's birthday weekend.

We went back to Great Falls on Saturday for Ryley's first birthday. Our trip over wasn't too bad but when we left my parent's house to go up to Jeff's Mom's for the party the blizzard started and we drove in white out conditions. Luckily everyone made it to the party safely. It was fun to watch Ryley with his cake and presents and to see Avery interact with her cousin. Here are a few pics of the weekend.
Grandpa watched Avery for a little while on Saturday while I went shopping and Jeff slept. Thanks Dad. A cute picture of the princess. I'd love to know what's going on in that little head.
The birthday boy with his cupcake. Before it was all over he had it all over in his hair. How cute.

Avery telling Ryley "DON'T" - see previouse post - we're still not sure what she was telling him don't over. Poor Ryley wasn't sure what to think about his spicey cousin. I have a feeling she'll hold her own with the boys when she gets older.
Attemping to walk. She's still much more comfortable walking with someone holding her hands.

1 comment:

JessLucero said...

I'm not sure when i saw her...must have been this weekend...anyhow, she smiled at me.