Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter with the Dalton's

We went up to Kalispell to spend Easter with Chris, Tonya, Rhiannon and Ronnie Dalton. We had a great time and Avery had a great time playing with her cousins. The kids made a haul and the Easter bunny hid about a hundred eggs that Ronnie had a blast looking for.Ronnie and Rhiannon the night before Easter. Note Ronnie in his Spider Man custome. He's really into Spider Man right now.
This was just too cute to leave out.
Avery's loot. Thanks Chris & Tonya for your contributions.
The girls checking out their hauls.
Avery's bunny ears. These stayed on only long enough to snap this one picture.
The eggs.
Rhiannon got into her chocolate bunny about .5 seconds after she discovered her basket. The rest of the morning was spent asking for candy. I have a feeling after the sugar high went away she crashed hard (hopefully taking a long nap)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how sad i wish i was still up in kalispell...=( i miss you guys and hope you had an amazzzzing easter! =) love ya.