Friday, March 28, 2008

Avery updates and a new vending machine!

It seems like every day Avery learns something new. It amazes me how fast she changes and how quickly she learns. One day we’re watching her stare at the steps and the next day we turn away for a second and she’s at the top of them. The stair climbing cracks me up. If we go up to her to tell her to come down she says “up” and keeps climbing. We’re in the process of trying to figure out some sort of device that will gate off the stairs, since any typical stair gate we’ve seen won’t work on our set. Running to pull her down every few minutes is getting a little old.

The other thing that she’s gotten really good at this week is play “so big”. If you go up to her and say, “how big is Avery” she holds her hands up and sings “soooo ooooo.” She can’t say big but her voice rises and falls just like mine does when I say “so big”. She always holds her hands up and says the words twice. I need to catch this one on video because I’m sure soon she’ll have a new game and so big won’t be as much fun anymore.

The little stinker still isn’t walking but for those of you I haven’t told, she did take her first steps last Friday. She walked about three steps, stopped, I think this is when she realized no one was holding onto her, and then she plopped right down. What’s funny is that I think she could walk if she wanted to but she just has no interest in it what so ever. I’m guessing she’s a little bit scared. She’ll stand on her own until she realizes that she’s doing it and then she plops right down. She’ll walk if someone is holding at least one of her hands but the second they let go she’s down. To be honest with you, I actually don’t mind this. As excited as I’ll be to see her walking there’s part of me that wants to keep my little crawling baby. I know that once she starts to walk, there’s no turning back. So these are Avery’s latest accomplishments.

On another note I also wanted to let everyone know that we got a new vending machine at work and it made my day! It has Vita Water and Orange Juice and Rocks Stars and as stupid as it sounds I think this is the most excited I’ve been about something at work in a long time. Sad but true. In the past we only had a dumb Pepsi vending machine that I hated so I had to drive to a store if I wanted something besides water. For the last two years I have found myself wishing often that we had juice or even Country Time lemonade, yet I always had to resort to cherry Pepsi. But no longer, I’m set. There are just times in the day that a person needs a little pick me up! So here’s to the new vending machine, may it live long and prosper. The machine looks a lot like this one.