Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Avery is hilarious. Every day she makes us laugh and her imagination is magnificent. Some days she is a kangaroo, a dog a dinosaur or a bird and most days she is a rock star which by the way is what she is going to be when she grows up.

She loves to sing and singing to her brother is one of her favorite activities. As she recently told my Mom, "when Mom stays in bed in the morning and Anders is awake, I sing to him to make him happy." Yes some mornings Mom tries to eke out an extra half hour of sleep while the little man talks to himself.

Toffee (see the Christmas post) has turned into a girl and has been pregnant lately. There is a pouch where his batteries go that is in his belly. She likes to shove her little pet shop or miniature horses into it and Toffee gives birth. Zac the zebra is the father.

The other day she told me, "Anders likes me because my hair is so beautiful."

She tries to con her Dad into staying home from work every single day by saying she does not feel good. We have tried to explain, never cry wolf, to her but it has not sunk in.

All curse words are the F word. If I say hell she tells Dad that Mom said the F word.

Jeff has been teaching her molecules. Each morning he puts one up on her white board. Her favorite and the only one that has stuck is H2O. She gets really excited when Dad puts a new molecule on the board.


Kari said...

I can't believe she makes Toffee pregnant. That's so funny.
And Zack is the Dad...better yet. She is so comical.

Shawna said...

I love that Jeff is teaching her about molecules, I doubt anyone else would think to teach their 4 year olds about those!