Thursday, January 19, 2012

Christmas in the Falls

This year we were lucky enough to get 21 days in Great Falls with our families. It was wonderful. Jeff and I shopped and shopped and shopped some more and then ate and ate and ate some more. By time we got back we were sick enough of eating out that I think we'll be sustained until we go back this summer. We brought 6 suitcases and 4 carry ons back stuffed full of groceries, items we had bought and Christmas gifts. It was so fun to unpack. We are still enjoying the granola bars and boxes of cereal (two of the things I miss the most are the American versions of these two things.) We also had an ample supply of lipton noodle soup and corn meal(both items are not sold here.) My Norwegian friend Elisabeth likes to tease me and asks when I am going to start shopping in Norway :)
The kids got lots of Grandparent time and LOVED it!! We loved having babysitters for the kids.

Toffee went everywhere with Avery.
The story of Toffee:
So an add came in the mail while we were in Norway from Toys R Us that had this stupid horse on the back of it. He was like 700 Kr which is over $100. Ave decided he was what Santa had to bring her and Toffee was all she talked about for days. We looked up his cost on Amazon and in the States they wanted $200 for a freaking toy horse. That is when we decided Santa would not bring Toffee and broke the news to Ave that he was too expensive for Santa and that Santa might not have time to make him. We had her convinced she was getting this other cheaper horse. Then I got the bright idea (yeah I'm brilliant) to check out Amazon UK since Jeff said they were made in England. Believe it or not they were selling Toffee for much cheaper. We got this bad boy for $71 with shipping. They shipped it from England and within two days we had Toffee waiting for us back home. She was REALLY excited. Toffee has been sleeping with her every night since.
Meeting Great Grandma.
Dave let Ave drive the lawn mower. She was thrilled.

1 comment:

Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...

We loved seeing you guys over xmas! Can't wait till ya come home this Summer