Monday, January 23, 2012

Six Months

In a few days our little man will turn six months! Wow where did the time go. Anders has been such a joy. He is usually a happy little camper who loves to smile. I say usually because right now he is teething and you all know how that goes. Most nights he sleeps pretty well and he has been getting into a routine of two naps a day. One of them usually last 1 -2 hours, hooray! He is rolling over both ways and he loves to spend time on his back rolling around. His jumper is also a favorite. Some days he'll spend an hour in this thing jumping his little heart out. He has also just started recognizing his name. He adores Avery and smiles every time she talks to him. I've started calling him my little marshmallow since he is so soft and squishy! This last month he just started grabbing his feet and he loves blueberries in his cereal. Anders has been such a great addition to our family his smile lights up my days.

1 comment:

Shawna said...

He is a hunk! It was so nice to get to know him over Christmas, can't wait until we can hang out in the summer warmth.