Friday, October 28, 2011

Random Anders pics

Anders changes each day and it's so cool to watch this little person evolve. I won't say he's an easy baby but he is adorable and when he's happy he's really really happy. His smiles are the best and this past week or so he has started to laugh although he's a little stingy with the laughs. He's starting to grab things with, with a lot of concentration which means soon Mom won't be able to wear any jewelry ;) The nights are still rough as he has silent reflux that wakes him often. We are trying him on Zantac and it seems to be working, however, he still wakes between 3 and 5 times a night. Needless to say, Mom is tired. I try to remind myself that he is only this little for such a short period and that I will miss this stage which helps a little with the sleep deprivation. I've learned to just take things a day at a time, no expectations on how my nights are going to be and so far this is working. I'm super excited to bring him back to Great Falls in a month to meet everyone and I'm trying not to think about the 24 hour plane trip to get there. It will be so nice to dump the munchkins on the Grandparents and have some time to ourselves! But honestly I am loving being a second time Mom and I'm so glad we invited this little man into our family!found my hand!

Found my thumb.

While attempting to take his passport photo we got a few great pics!
This one made the passport.

Tummy time. He is getting a lot stronger and can roll over both ways from his belly.
My awesome Halloween outfit ;)
My adorable Norwegian baby hat. Avery gave Anders duck to keep him company.

1 comment:

Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...

he looks just like Avery.. can't wait to meet the little guy!