Friday, October 28, 2011


Avery really likes Anders. She says he's the cutest baby in the whole world! When he gets cranky, however, she says that Anders is totally on edge. She also told me that when Anders grows up and becomes a Dad she's going to marry him.
This is her army. The other night when Jeff was going upstairs he discovered this scene. The next day Ave told us they were to keep the monsters away. The "army" was also watching TV when I came downstairs the next morning.
This is our family. Jeff and I are drinking coffee.

Avery told me something the other day and when I asked her how she knew it she told me, "I just know things cause I'm a scientist rock star."

The other day she was running around saying may nate, may nate then she said, "Mom when a plane falls out of the sky you say may nate may nate."

Mom reminded me of this one. Avery asked if she could have a dog next time we moved. I told her no we have cats and that she could pick out a new kitten. She said maybe we can get a cat that looks like a dog.

1 comment:

Kari said...

What about "Can we get a cat that looks like a dog?" That was so funny