Monday, October 31, 2011


It's still so funny to me that I'm a Mom of a newborn again. I knew from the day we had Avery that we would have another kid, I just wasn't sure when. Now all of the sudden after four years of wondering when the time would be right it's done. I have Anders and my family is complete. Such an odd feeling to be done. A good feeling but an odd one. We spend our whole lives wondering what we were going to be when we grew up or what our family would be like and all of the sudden I'm here and it's done. That's not to say there won't be many more surprises in my life and now I can dream about the day the kids start school or the day they get married, have children.... but the days of dreaming about what my family would be are over. In a way it is a reassuring feeling, like I've completed a major accomplishment in my life and I'm happy about that. There is another part of me, however, that is a little sad that all the dreams have become realities and the fact is I'm not so young anymore. Would I ever go back to dreaming though, I don't think so, this reality I live is pretty great. How lucky I am to have found a great man to marry and have to wonderful healthy children. So now I daydream about where we'll end up next summer. That is my new reality. I am very anxious to know where I am going to spend the next years of my life and where I get to send my children to school and where I get to buy a home. It is a very exciting time in the Kline family with many uncertainties coming in the next year. So I guess there is always something to dream about and maybe it's a good thing that the dream of my family is complete to I can focus on dreaming about our next destination. One dream at a time...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Random Anders pics

Anders changes each day and it's so cool to watch this little person evolve. I won't say he's an easy baby but he is adorable and when he's happy he's really really happy. His smiles are the best and this past week or so he has started to laugh although he's a little stingy with the laughs. He's starting to grab things with, with a lot of concentration which means soon Mom won't be able to wear any jewelry ;) The nights are still rough as he has silent reflux that wakes him often. We are trying him on Zantac and it seems to be working, however, he still wakes between 3 and 5 times a night. Needless to say, Mom is tired. I try to remind myself that he is only this little for such a short period and that I will miss this stage which helps a little with the sleep deprivation. I've learned to just take things a day at a time, no expectations on how my nights are going to be and so far this is working. I'm super excited to bring him back to Great Falls in a month to meet everyone and I'm trying not to think about the 24 hour plane trip to get there. It will be so nice to dump the munchkins on the Grandparents and have some time to ourselves! But honestly I am loving being a second time Mom and I'm so glad we invited this little man into our family!found my hand!

Found my thumb.

While attempting to take his passport photo we got a few great pics!
This one made the passport.

Tummy time. He is getting a lot stronger and can roll over both ways from his belly.
My awesome Halloween outfit ;)
My adorable Norwegian baby hat. Avery gave Anders duck to keep him company.


In order to register Anders birth, get his social security number and passport, we had to travel to the US embassy in Oslo. Oslo was a cool city, expensive but cool. We flew over Thurs afternoon and flew back Fri afternoon so it was a quick trip but we managed to see a lotof down town Oslo.TGI Fridays were we ate Thurs night and paid three times what we would have paid in the States but it was worth it.

Waiting for our flight.
Ave's Norwegian sweater she picked up for 100 kr which is cheap about $17.
Outside the main train depot. We had the best Indian food in there.

The express train to the airport.
On the plane. Anders did pretty well. He had a freak out while waiting to get off the plane in Trondheim but since we were back it wasn't that big of a deal. We made it to the embassy and that went really smoothly. It is funny how ugly the embassy is, it looks like a prison. It only took us about 15 min to get everything turned in. What a relief to have that all done. Yesterday his birth certificate and passport came in the mail!! It was great to get out of town and see more of Norway. I really would like to see Olso again when I had more time.


Avery really likes Anders. She says he's the cutest baby in the whole world! When he gets cranky, however, she says that Anders is totally on edge. She also told me that when Anders grows up and becomes a Dad she's going to marry him.
This is her army. The other night when Jeff was going upstairs he discovered this scene. The next day Ave told us they were to keep the monsters away. The "army" was also watching TV when I came downstairs the next morning.
This is our family. Jeff and I are drinking coffee.

Avery told me something the other day and when I asked her how she knew it she told me, "I just know things cause I'm a scientist rock star."

The other day she was running around saying may nate, may nate then she said, "Mom when a plane falls out of the sky you say may nate may nate."

Mom reminded me of this one. Avery asked if she could have a dog next time we moved. I told her no we have cats and that she could pick out a new kitten. She said maybe we can get a cat that looks like a dog.