Tuesday, May 10, 2011


We left early Friday morning to drive roughly an hour to Gibraltar. The road there was full of round abouts so of course Avery got sick, again. Gibraltar was interesting. We did not know what to expect and probably should have done more research. I had a spa appointment at 1:45 so we thought a couple of hours on the rock would be long enough. Little did we know that Gibraltar is extremely commercialized and to even get to the rock you have to walk through blocks of shopping and cafes. We were a little disappointed in the commercialization of the British Territory, however, I can't complain too much since we got a liter of Vodka for 7 Euros and I found cadbury eggs. I would like to go back and climb up the rock to see the view from the top. The first siting of the rock. It was crazy how much traffic goes into Gibraltar. So many people going there to duty free shop.
Inside customs, you have to show a passport to get into Gibraltar since it is a British Territory.

Once we went through the tunnel system (pictured below) we walked out into this plaza. To the left are streets and streets of duty free shops.

After my facial, the first one I have ever had. I loved it.

1 comment:

The Lucero's said...

Cool pictures! I need to remember to look at your blog more often