Monday, May 9, 2011

The road to Rhonda

On Monday we took off in our rental car to check out Rhonda, a small town located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The drive was beautiful, however the windy road proved too much for Avery and she threw up both coming and going. We got to Rhonda right in the middle of siesta so there weren't too many stores open but we did find a charming little coffee shop that served coffee and gelato and even had a slot machine that Jeff and I tried out. It was a fun day and nice to see the interior of Spain. We stopped at a little fruit stand on the way to buy some apples and clean Avery off (yeah kids and mountain roads don't mix.) This was the view from the pull off. Along the way there were many small communities built into the sides of the mountains. This was one of them.

The Spanish country side is beautiful. I'd like to explore it some more one day.

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