Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Cathedral at Malaga

After the Bioparc we drove into Malaga so that we could go inside the Cathedral. It was amazing and beautiful. The ceilings were very high, the doors were huge and the architecture was extremely intricate.
It's so odd to be inside a place that is so old and to think of all of the people who have stood in that exact spot. Trying to imagine what it would have looked like 500 years ago is a little humbling. The feeling of calm inside such an old place of worship is hard to describe.

The ceilings had statues carved into them. Can you imagine the work of carving and then hauling each stone into place by hand.
Before we went into the Cathedral we ate at a Spanish restaurant in a plaza right next to it. Jeff and I ordered an appetizer of Iberian Ham on two over easy eggs which sat on french fries which was really good and than seafood paella for the main coarse. Avery loved the paella.
Jeff also got a liter of Sangria. This sangria had a cinnamon stick in it which I think really enhanced the flavor, yes I had to at least taste it. Not being able to drink sangria in Spain, for lack of a better word, sucked. Anders better appreciate the sacrifice Mama made for him ;)


The Lucero's said...

How was the Iberian ham?

Lacy Kline said...

It was really good. Kind of like a dry prosciutto!