Saturday, January 29, 2011


I cannot even begin to describe how sick I am of winter. It just keep going on and on like the energizer bunny! Actually from what I have been told my winters in Trondheim have been "good" winters. The temperature has stayed cool enough that they have not gotten much rain or sleet and I am told during most winters Trondheim frequently gets both. The weather has generally kept in the 20s which by Montana standards feels pretty damn warm. The problem I am having with winter in Norway is the darkness and the dreariness. We are up to about 7 hours of daylight which is a huge improvement over the 4 hours we had in December, however, the daylight hours have been filled with overcast dreariness making it feel like I'm living in perpetual gloominess. Enough already! I guess the good thing about all these dreary days is that when a day comes where the sun shines, one really appreciates it and gets one's ass outside! This happened last week so miss Avery and I bundled up headed out.

In a park close to our apartment.
The amount of snow we have. This is even after it has melted some. These are Avery's new ski poles.
Testing out the poles. You can almost see the nice sheen of ice that covers everything. It has been heating up just enough to melt and then freeze again. Makes for interesting walking conditions!

1 comment:

Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...

What are the ski poles for? Walkin? Or do you guys ski to the store? eheh! *cute pic of the two of ya*