Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year's Promise

I’ve been a total boob about blog posting lately. I’m not sure why, well actually I have a million excuses as to why, but I think it boils down to the fact that I’m just not in the mood. So many things have been happening to our family over the last year and often I sit in bed at night and think up wonderfully long blog posts that would be perfect to post about our day and about my thoughts. Yet morning comes and a day of being a stay at home Mom in a foreign country starts and some how the time never comes for me to get my thoughts down on paper. I am going to try to get better about my posts. I love writing and posting has always been somewhat medicinal for my mind, however, whenever I am stressed out I tend to drop things that require too much thinking. The entire nine months I was pregnant with Avery I did not read a single book, my focus was just gone. I think it is the same with blog posting. This year has been such a whirlwind, both good and bad, and there has been plenty of stress, thus my blog posts have suffered.

This next year, however, I am hopeful that my outlook on life will improve. Living in Norway for a year now has helped many of my initial stressors to go away or at least calm down. Now I can navigate the grocery store, the Dr. and I am actually beginning to believe that everyone will speak English to you if you ask, even on the phone. It’s amazing how much stress I would put on myself about making a stupid phone call, always worrying about being the stupid English speaker on the other end. I can say that finding friends over here has helped so much and for that I am so thankful. I now know that I can go six months without seeing my family and I will not totally fall apart and a 20 hour plane ride, while it sucks, is totally doable. Also I am starting to figure out how to be a stay at home Mom and am starting to enjoy it, most days. I don’t think I’ve screwed the small one up that much.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that my goal for 2011 is to start blogging more often. Some day it will be so great to go back and read about my thoughts and feelings during this time in my life. Hopefully the addition of another Kline won’t totally derail my new plan, but I can always hope. So I will try and you have my promise for more updates, pictures and thoughts as another crazy year in Norway begins.

First stop this year, the police station to renew my and Avery’s resident Visa’s (should be interesting) but hopefully less painful that last year! Wish us luck.


Shawna said...

Don't worry about slacking at the blogging Lacy, hell, just look at my blog site, lol. But when you do post, I will happily read your updates!
It was so good to see all of you at Christmas and hear the fabulous news about Baby #2! Love ya!

jill said...

Tee hee... Is there a secret here, Lacy? I am really behind on the news!