Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A new surprise!

For those you of you that I have not told yet I think it’s time to tell the blog that I’m pregnant. I am currently about 13 weeks with a due date of July 27th. I have never been happier. The excitement of knowing we will be welcoming another member to our family is intoxicating! When we found out two years ago that we would be moving to Norway I had baby fever bad, yet I decided at that time that it did not make sense to get pregnant with out lives so up in the air. So I sucked it up and choose to wait until our lives calmed down. A few months ago it seems for the first time in two years our lives made sense again and the thought of bringing a new baby into our family just felt right. Once I found out I was pregnant it is amazing how content I felt. This yearning to have another baby was playing more with my mind than I had even let myself admit. Honestly I can say that for the first time in two years I am content with life. We are getting into a groove over here, maybe not the same groove we would be in living in the States but still a groove.

My days with Avery have started to become enjoyable not just days to get through while I yearned to have a career again. It also helps that for the first time I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Jeff only has at most 1.5 years left on his PhD. This next year is going to be a whirlwind. I want to get as much living in Norway done as possible since I am not sure if we will be here again once Jeff is done. We need to drive to Sweden and we need to go camping up north and down south and spend a day in Amsterdam. I want to see Oslo and Bergen and take the ferry to Monkholm Island and on and on. Suddenly, there is so much to do and not much time until the baby come. We have a trip planned this spring to Spain which I am very excited for. It just seems like we had all these plans for seeing Europe and exploring Norway and we have not gotten to many of them. The next year is going to be crazy and fabulous and I can’t wait to live it and share it with you all!


Shawna said...

I am so happy and excited for you and Jeff! And even though we won't share pregnancy highs and lows this time around, if you need a sympathetic ear I'm always available! Love you both!

Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...

We are so happy for you guys! Can't wait to meet our new neice or nephew!

The Lucero's said...

You are a glutten for punishment. Two kids are so much harder than one. Seriously tho...I'm happy that you are happy. Congratulations. Will you guys be around in 2013? We're planning a family trip to Florida.

Rosanne said...

What sweet words from a mommy-to-be again. :) I'm so very happy for you, Lace. I can't wait to hear about your journey's along the way to baby #2...and then the new adventures WITH baby #2! Many blessing your way!