Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas back home!

We made it back to Great Falls after two days of travel. Our flight got diverted when Minneapolis Airport closed so we had to spend a night in Detroit. Luckily we caught a flight the next day that got us in at four. We spent a little over two weeks in Great Falls and enjoyed every minute of it. I ate out every day, sometimes twice a day, mostly Mexican and I shopped until I was sick of shopping. I managed to get all of my Christmas shopping done in about two days. It was so nice to see everyone and Avery LOVED hanging out with all her cousins, she even got to see Ronnie and Rhiannon who came down from Kalispell with their Mom and Dad. It was hard to say goodbye but after 24 hours of travel we made it back to Norway with 5 suitcases packed to the max. We now have refried beans, coffee mate and taco treat hot sauce to last us for a few months! I just love going home!!The princess on Christmas Eve.
Getting ready to hot tub with cousin Shayden.

Being silly with Grandpa Bubba.
I love how Avery is trying to sneak her dinosaur in the picture. This is before her first Christmas with Grandma Lori.
Santa came to Grandma Lori's. The kids where in awe. This was the first year Avery really believed in Santa and she got so into Christmas, it was amazing.
Christmas Eve at my parents with her cousins Michael and Yoshi.
Opening yet more gifts, the kid got totally spoiled!
Cousin Hayden on Christmas Eve, he is so freaking cute and we were lucky enough to have his Daddy James, who just got back from a tour in Afghanistan, spend the evening with us.
Christmas morning, she got her bow and arrow and shooting gun! Santa hooked this girl up. So much so that she asked me when we got back to Norway (where Santa came yet another time and left more gifts) if Santa was coming again tomorrow.
The nerf shooting guns. Although I think her Daddy has enjoyed playing with these as much if not more than Avery.

We had such a great holiday. Thank you to all our families for sharing time with us!


Shawna said...

It was so much fun seeing Ryley, Avery and Shayden playing together!
The nerf gun battles were hilarious, I do think Marc and Jeff need their own next year! Maybe we should all get them and have a shoot-out in the backyard, I think Lori and Dave have enough room!

The Lucero's said...

Avery is funny. I wish I could afford to fly over to visit. Hopefully all the postcards we sent her make it over. When will you be back again?