Monday, May 3, 2010


On Saturday night we had a couple of our Norwegian friends over for dinner, Halvor and Linda. It's so nice to finally start having people over for dinner. I love planning a menu and cooking things we might not usually make for ourselves, like dessert. The strawberries here are amazing, they taste like strawberries grown in your garden. So I decided to make Strawberry Tiramisu. I found the recipe a few years ago in a magazine and have updated it a little. It was a great night of good food and great conversation. I thought I'd share the recipe with you.The berries.
Sorry it's sideways, I need to figure my photo editor out.

Strawberry Tiramisu
(make the night before)

12 oz whipped cream cheese or regular cream cheese softened and mixed until smooth.
around 5 cups whipped cream (I supposed cool whip would work but wouldn't taste as good.)
a bunch of strawberries
a cup strawberry jam
Salvadori cookies (ladyfingers)

In a bowl, whip the cream, when it starts to get thick add about a tbs of sugar and tsp vanilla, continue to whip until stiff.
In another bowl mix the cream cheese if you did not buy whipped. Stir the cream cheese into the whip cream a little at a time until totally incorporated. Set aside.

Hull about three cups worth of strawberries. Throw these and about one cup strawberry jam into a blender and blend until smooth.

To set up. I usually put mine into bread pans but you could do a 9X9 baking pan. Put about 1/2 cup of the strawberry mixture on the bottom or enough to cover the bottom of the pan. Line the pan with the lady fingers. Add another half cup of strawberry mixture. Spread about 1/2 inch thickness worth of the cream cheese mixture on top. Repeat with another layer ending with the cream cheese. Put into the fridge and let set overnight. I've made it in the morning to have with dinner and it usually sets up but it's better over night.
Makes 1 9X9 pan or 2 bread pans worth.
Substitution ( I haven't tried it yet but I'm sure you could use any type of berries with this. I'm thinking I'll try blueberries or raspberries this summer. You can also do traditional tiramisu with expresso put over the lady fingers and dusting the top with cocoa powder.)


Rosanne said...

Yum. Glad you had friends over for dinner! Sounds like you're really getting settled. Happy for that. Also, love the new blog look! ;)

jill said...


I wish we were the friends invited over ;)