Friday, May 7, 2010

Pudding Pops

We found these really cool little popsicle makers at Ikea and of course bought them. The other day I made Jello pudding from the stash that my parents brought over and poured them in and whalla, instant Jello pudding pops! I haven't seen chocolate ice cream pops of any sort over here so this kind of hit the spot. We've gotten really good at being creative and figuring out how to make things that we are lacking. Avery loved the popsicles as you can see.
Speaking of Ikea, I LOVE that store. We can actually find things for reasonable prices, or at least prices that one might pay for things back in the States. Plus they have killer Swedish Meatball dinners that you can buy and take home. We found a route that takes us to Ikea in about a 20 minute walk so it's also a good family outing. The other day when we were walking back Avery told us that she wanted to go to, "King Burger and have a hangaburger" we might have to hit Burger King this weekend. A couple other things she's doing...

Saying, "Let me hear your ear" when she wants to whisper something to you.

Teasing, she'll grab something from her Dad and say, "Na na na na na I got your sword" (it's usually a sword from when they play kung fu.)

When she wants something she says, "Should I have one, should I."

She likes to grab my chin and sing to me as to get my full attention. Sometimes this can go on for like ten minutes.

She is in love with rocks and sticks. Today when we walked to the store it took us like an hour to get there (should have been 20 min) because we had to look at every rock and stick on the way. When we got home she had like 15 rocks in her pockets and two sticks.

Yesterday when I was doing my workout video I tried to get her to do jumping jacks, she said, "I can't Mom it makes me too tired."

The other day she told her Dad he was in idiot. She got a time out for it but I still had to control myself because I really wanted to laugh.

Still calls yesterday lasterday?

Has figured out how to play us off each other already. When one of us says she can't do something she'll say, "but Daddy (or Mommy) said I can do it" when this was never the case. She has gotten a few time outs for this as well. I think we might be in trouble when she's a teenager if she's pulling this one already!

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