Sunday, April 18, 2010

One of Those Weeks

Not much has been going on at the Kline's. The weather hasn't been the greatest for the last week, rain then snow then more rain then a half hour of sun (just enough to get you excited that it'll clear up) then more rain and snow. So the extent of our getting out has been to walk to the store through the rain and snow. Not too exciting. Ave is also finally cutting the her two year molars, a little late. Just like when she was little it's keeping her from sleeping. We've been spending a couple hours every night getting her to go to sleep and then she wakes up a few times during the night and is up for good at around 6 am. So I'm tired and really hoping the damn molars will pop through and leave us alone because if they don't there might be a little girl sent to live with the wolves soon! Here are a few more insights I've observed over the last week.

Norwegians claim fish pudding is good and they like to eat it with gravy. One of these days I might get brave enough to try it.

Patience really is a virtue, waiting for stuff to go through on the house, like the home inspection has been torture.

Norwegians are for the most part totally ok with socialism and helping out their fellow people. They have a very "whatever" attitude?

It rains a lot in Trondheim, I mean A LOT!

Icelandic volcanoes suck and if they screw up my summer travel plans I will never forgive the nation of Iceland!

Skype is still the best thing ever! I got to skype with my Grandma this weekend, how cool is that!

I'm addicted to the TV series House. Jeff and I have been watching it on TV Shack and I'm really glad I never watched it in the States because it gives us something to do at night!

Speaking of TV Shack, I LOVE TV Shack. You can watch almost any TV show on it. So we get to keep up on all our American TV shows.

I am craving maple bars and ham omelet sandwiches from BK and white chocolate Latte's from Starbucks. I am so eating all of these things a few times when we're back in the States.


woolarious said...

Sorry about all the rain, did not realize you were in the rain forest. My mom is addicted to house and keeps telling me I should watch it, but never have.I guess I should sometime. Keep your chin up, they say patience is a virtue. It could mean that all is going well and you are about to sell that house. Love you guys and soo look forward to seeing you in July!!

Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...

urgh.. damn snow and rain and teeth! I had a couple weeks like that (nothing goes right).. it always gets better!

Rosanne said...

Fish pudding??? I'll be interested to hear. ;)

jill said...

There is only one kind of pudding that interests me, and it includes the word chocolate ;)


I think North Dakota and Norway share odd things in common. For example, it is light at 5 something here and still dusky at nearly 10. It's only May! My wild things believe this means there is no need to sleep. eeee.

It has been raining for almost two full weeks. I might go crazy if I don't see the sun soon. There were some really beautiful days in April, and I felt like real spring was coming... tricky.

There's some weird food here, but more than one Starbucks ;)

Perhaps the summer will make it all worth it (that's what the North Dakotans say...)