Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I am Thankful for

Parents that love us enough to travel a day to come visit!

Said family bearing gifts of cheddar cheese, spaghetti O's, wine and Ego waffles in the suitcase!

Care packages, we are waiting for one from Grandma Lori and the anticipation is as fun as opening the box!

Having time to spend with the small one even if some days it is a trial.

Sun that melts the snow and reminds me that spring is around the corner.

Days that my husband gets off early and walks with me to the store carrying the rugrat on his shoulders the entire way.

Facebook, it's such a nice way to stay connected with family and friends.

Blogs, another great way to stay connected and see all my small relatives grow through pictures.

Skype, I think I would die without it!

The fact that I love seafood and am not much of a steak eater. Seafood is cheap here and beef is crazy expensive.


Mandy said...

I'm thankful that you have facebook too.. :D We should skype sometime!

Shawna said...

Woo hoo for Skype(especially when cousin's remember the time difference and call at a time other than 4am)! Lol, Jeff was a good sport about it! Mmmm... seafood, but I hafta say BEEF, its whats for dinner! Moo.

The Lucero's said...

I could live off seafood.

Rosanne said... this list. ;)