Wednesday, September 9, 2009


The small one is growing up and turning into a little girl right before my eyes. Sometimes I just stare at her when she doesn’t know I’m looking and marvel at this perfect little creation. I’ll have to say hubby and I do good work. It kills me what a little personality she has. She is so sure of herself and I love that, I love her spice and I love the fact that she’s growing up.

Over the past six months we have been actively potty training the little runt. There were many times I thought about saying screw it and putting her back in diapers but I never did, I persisted determined that we would achieve success. Really I had no idea it would take so long. I remember thinking, my child is a genius; surely she’ll be the kid that gets it in a few weeks. Yeah right. Over the last six months, I made it through accidents on my floor, our bed, our couch, our carpet, you name it and it was probably peed on at some point. Luckily she only pooped on the floor a couple of times. It was rough and we were all tired of it and then just like that out of the blue, she got it.

All the cheering for poop and pee and waving good bye to the potty and cleaning up the messes has finally paid off! I’m almost afraid to admit it, my luck she’ll revert. Yet for now I will relish the past week of no accidents and no diaper changes. I feel so free. I never thought having a child use the potty would make me feel this way, like I’ve accomplished something great. Maybe this is the way parents feel when their kids graduate from high school or college.

There is nothing better than the smile Ave gets on her face when she runs to tell me that she went potty. My favorite is, “Mom I pooped.” You probably have to be there but it is FANTASTIC! I’m so proud of her and she’s so proud of herself. Life is good.


Kari said...

Go Avery!!!

Rosanne said...

I remember all that - it's a great feeling! Good job, Avery!!