Thursday, September 3, 2009

Home Remodeling Rant

Things are crazy around the Kline household these days. We’ve got a goal to paint the house this weekend. This means we have to scrape every night for 1 -2 hours. That might not seem like much but when you combine it with working full time, wrangling a toddler and trying to maintain some semblance of cleanliness in our house, it makes for pretty crazy nights. We’ve been doing this schedule for almost two weeks now. Before we hit end of summer crunch time we’d take an occasional night off or stop scraping after a half hour, however, not the last two weeks. We have stuck to it. Last Saturday my parents and Jeff’s Dad came over to help. I scraped with my Mom and Dad for about four hours while Jeff and Larry worked on the kitchen. Needless to say, I’m sick of it! I’m sure you’re all filled with pity for me since many of you have experienced your own home remodeling horror, but I need to vent. I think the thing that’s bothering me the most is that we have to dedicate so many weekends to fixing everything up and we’re missing out on spending this time with family and friends. What’s more important? Having the house fixed up so we can make a good profit or hanging out with people that for the next three years we won’t get to see very often. I’d love to say the people but we all know money talks and if we can’t sell our house for a nice profit we’ll be stressed while in Norway because we won’t have extra money to say, buy plane tickets to come home and visit these people. YUCK! So I apologize to all the family and friends that we’ve neglected recently or put off to hang out on a weekend “this Fall”. I’m really hoping that everything will be done by the mid October so we can spend Nov and Dec just hanging out with the people we’re going to miss so much when we’re gone. There are times in our lives when life, well sucks and this is one of them. I have to keep reminding myself that once I’m in Norway I won’t have a house to remodel and I’ll probably miss it. And remind myself that I’ll get to come home for large chunks of time where I’ll get to spend every minute hanging out with friends and family. So I guess it’s short term suckiness for long term gain, or something like that. Here's to hoping the house gets painted this weekend. I'll post pics as soon as it's done!


The Lucero's said...

better get it done so you can come to a few football games

The Lucero's said...

Thanks for the jelly. It's really good.

jill said...

Whew. Home remodel, moving to Norway, having a small monkey... You must be so tired. And, while some remodeling has a sense of accomplishment, scraping is not on that list. It's just so slow.

But, having sold a house that we worked and worked on more than once, it is worth it... and you forget how much work you've done when you buy a house again later ;)