Monday, February 23, 2009

Weekend In the Zoo

Jeff and I cruised back to Missoula this weekend to party it up at Stephanie’s wedding reception. Steph and Joel got married in Mexico a couple weeks ago and unfortunately Jeff and I couldn’t make the wedding. So being the awesome person that Steph is, she decided to have a reception in Missoula for all of us that couldn’t make it to the actual wedding. She looked beautiful in her dress by the way!

My parents met us in Helena and took Avery for the night. They debated on going to the reception and just watching Avery in the hotel room but since the reception started at seven and the kid crashes at eight we decided that wasn’t the best idea. Handing my kid off to spend the night with the Grandparents in Great Falls proved the better option. I hate being away from Avery even for a day, so it was hard to send her away to another town but it ended up being a fantastic idea that I might just do again sometime.

Jeff and I made the exchange Sat morning and then off we went for an adult date in the Zoo. We had lunch at Sushi Hanna, which I love, then checked into the hotel. That’s when I realized that like an idiot, I had left my outfit laid out on a chair (so as not to wrinkle it) in Butte. Glad it didn’t get wrinkled! So off to the mall hubby and I went and to my amazement, he helped me shop for a new outfit and didn’t tell me to hurry up even once. I swear being in Missoula instantly relaxed both of us. We met up with Jill and her husband Ken for appetizers and wine and then headed off to the reception. We had a BLAST!!! I drank way too much and danced to every dumb song that came on. I loved it. Afterwards we went with Jill and Ken to the Mo Club, which was crazy packed. Apparently some guy stepped on my pinkie toe and I kind of think it might be broken? I say apparently because I don’t remember much after we left the reception and Jeff doesn’t either. We did, however, manage to walk back to our hotel. Neither of us felt great the next morning, a little hung over, but it was so worth it. I can’t even remember the last time I let loose like that. It felt good. Jeff and I both needed a break.

We picked up Avery Sunday around two, which was about perfect. I was starting to miss her… a lot. I guess she had a great time in Great Falls. My parents invited the family over for a bar-b-que and everyone got some great Avery time. Apparently she was in top form. When we got back to Butte I told Avery I missed her and she started saying, “ I miss you Mommy, I miss you.” Then she gave me a hug and did the same to her Daddy. It was too cute. As much as I love the little munchkin, I think it’s good to have some time alone. If nothing else it makes me appreciate her even more.

Thanks for giving us an excuse to get away Steph and thanks Mom and Dad for watching the small one!

Here's Avery with her new tea pot, an early birthday gift from Aunt Lynnie! I guess everyone at my parents had to drink tea and if they didn't hold the cup by the handle, she'd take it away from them.


Kari said...

We had such a nice weekend with Avery. She kept us all entertained just watching her do her thing.
She was a pleasure to have.
Everyone enjoyed her.
Ofcourse Nana and Bampa enjoyed her the most.

Kristi Figarelle-Lucero said...

You know, your daughter fed me a ton a fake cake that day! She's so funny. FOLLOW MY BLOG BIOTCH!! I don't know how to do this.. We best be for having a wine and movie night again when you guys are in town this weekend!