Monday, February 9, 2009

The Kitchen Remodle has Begun - dun dun dun!

It's started again. I'm not happy about it but it's time for the Kline's to take on another house project. This time we are focused on the kitchen. As you may recall we put tile down in the kitchen and bathroom last Feb, then got the bathroom almost finished last summer, when a leak caused the ceiling to cave in. We haven't fixed the ceiling yet and haven't touched the kitchen, can you say LAZY! Our plan get started on the kitchen and then finish the bathroom. The idiots that owned our house last put in a totally tacky drop ceiling that we ripped down. We're going to raise the ceiling back to almost ten feet, sheetrock it, put in new lights (since the flourescent ones we currently have are super ugly), replace the countertop, sink, garbage disposal, fix the walls and then paint the whole thing. Yikes. This time though we have a plan. Grandpa Bubba aka Jeff's Dad came down last weekend to jump start things and we're working straight until it's all done, hopefully by the end of spring break! Unfortunately we can't afford to replace the cupboards so I'm thinking this summer I'm going to take them all down and repaint them since the last time I painted them I was on a time crunch and didn't do the best job. Last weekend we got as far as fixing a plumbing issue that the prior owner caused and then we (or Jeff and Larry) contemplated the wiring for like five hours. The prior owner also did some funky electrical work. It's always fun to fix someone else's F-ups! But hey we're on our way. I can't wait to see the finished product. Wish us luck and I'll keep everyone updated with pictures!!
PS - While Jeff and Larry worked thier butts off, Avery, Grandma Lara and I hung out and played the Wii! Sometimes it's good to not be able to contribute. Thanks again for coming down Grandpa Bubba and Grandma Lara!

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