Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Weekend Update!

Valentines weekend was nice except for the fact that both Avery and I were sick for some part of it. Avery got sick last Thurs and by Sunday I had her bug. I think it’s a cold and yes I still feel like crap but since I took two days off last week I’m stuck at work feeling like crap. Enough about that though back to V-day. Jeff and I decided to try out our new fondue pot and we made cheese and chocolate fondue. The cheese was good but a little too rich for me. The chocolate fondue was TO DIE for! We dipped pound cake and strawberries in it. Avery had a blast. Stupid me I forgot to take pictures so you’ll just have to imagine the yummy goodness. I think we might do it again for Jeff’s birthday instead of a cake and I’ll be sure to post pictures of that one. I wonder if anyone would notice if I crawled under my desk to take a nap! Maybe I’ll just go get a triple latte instead.

1 comment:

Kari said...

We dd fondue in the 70's. Isn't it funny how things come back around. I think I still have a fondue pot stashed downstairs.