Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday Bitchfest!

What’s the deal with kids and colds?! I swear I have been sick more since I’ve had Avery than all my 30 years combined. Well maybe not that much but sometimes it seems like it. It just occurred to me today that I have had three colds in the last six months, all occurring within a day or two of Avery getting a cold. That’s way over my average two colds per year. I’ve pretty much become reserved to the fact that if Avery gets sick, I am going to follow. For some reason my dear husband doesn’t seem to get afflicted even half as much as I do. What’s up with that!? It probably has something to do with the fact that he doesn’t usually sleep with her or stay home with her when she’s sick. I end up getting sneezed or coughed on all night. With this last cold the small one even shoved her thumb sucking saliva covered fingers into my mouth twice for no apparent reason while I was trying to rock her to sleep. WTF! So I have become reserved to the fact that if the kid gets sick, I’m screwed. I didn’t even attempt the Xicam or Airborne this last run since it didn’t help much with the previous two colds. Oh what I would give to be able to open my windows and air out my germ infested house. Man I am so ready for spring, unfortunately in Butte MT it’s still like three months away!

1 comment:

Rosanne said...

You poor thing...welcome to yet another reality of parenthood. It's great being a parent, but some of it does really stink!! :) Hang in soup and take a vitamin.