Friday, February 20, 2009

Update On The Small One!

She’s growing up my little one


The other day we got a catalog in the mail full of Fisher Price toys. The first few pages were the little people brand toys. I tossed the catalog on the coffee table and figured I’d finger through it later.

About an hour later Jeff and I were talking and all the sudden we heard Avery saying, “I wan dat, I wan dat, Mommy I wan dees.”

She had discovered the catalog and was pointing at the Little People. Jeff and I cracked up, it was the first time she had ever asked for a toy or really shown any interest in a catalog.

Our morning and evening ritual when I either take Avery or pick her up from daycare is to plop her in her car seat with juice and then we put on Dora or Sponge Bob in the car DVD player. She really likes this Dora cartoon about the Mermaid Kingdom and has been watching that one a lot lately. Sometimes she’ll sing along to parts of the songs but yesterday she actually started repeating the video almost word for word. I was amazed! Just more proof that my child is a genius!

My car keys have been missing for about a week. I’ve been hoping they would just show up. This morning while putting frog to sleep in Avery’s stroller for the day (it’s a morning ritual to put frog to sleep for the day in various places in our house) I discovered my keys lying under her doll who is also “seeping” in the stroller?

The small one has learned another song. So far the only song she’s really good at repeating is Twinkle Twinkle. Avery’s rendition goes something like this (imagine her singing this to the Twinkle Twinkle tune):

Winkle Winkle …. STAR

Wonder….. ARE

Up abova….. HIGH

……………. SKY

Her latest song is the map song from Dora. For those of you that don’t know, the map song pretty much says Map over and over again with a few more words thrown in. Avery’s rendition is the exact same tune as the map song except ever word is Map. There is one part of the song were map says, “What’s my Name, the map, say it again, the map, I’m the map I’m the map I’m the map…” You can imagine the rest. Avery’s version goes something like this….

Name….. Map

Name….. Map

Map, Map, Map, Map, Map, Map, Map

Name…. Map

Name….. Map

Over and over again. It’s pretty funny! Yesterday she sung it the entire time she was in the shower or showee as she likes to call it.

Avery’s obsessed with driving the car right now. The other day, Daddy let Avery sit in the front seat and drive the car while it was parked in the garage. She had the hugest grin on her face, looked over at us and said very firmly “shut a door” and we watched her threw the window while she “drove” for like five minutes. When we tried to get the small one to come inside she threw a tantrum.

Now every day when I get home from work I have to work fast to get her out of her car seat and the car before she climbs up to the front seat. The whole time I’m taking her out of the car she’s wining “driving” and basically the kid stays pissed off at me for about a half hour after we get inside for not letting her drive. I figure even if I let her drive she’ll throw a tantrum when I try to pry her away from the wheel so at least this way I forgo standing in the garage staring at her through the window for minutes on end. I’d like to personally thank my husband for coming up with this idea (note the sarcasm).

Have a great weekend everyone. The Kline’s are off to Missoula for sushi, shopping and a wedding reception!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Since the Kline's are off to Missoula, we get Avery.
Can't wait!